My first born. Who made me become a mother. Who teaches me so much about myself, and so so so much about God.
The other day, we shared such a special moment. I looked at her standing in the breeze. Her strawberry blonde hair across her face and it seriously took my breath away. Now if you aren't a parent yet, this might sound crazy, insane, "over emotional". And sure, what you feel as a parent sometimes is all of those things. And its wildly incredible getting to be a mother.
I decided to snatch my camera off the kitchen table quickly and capture this moment. Then she insisted that I be in front of the lens for once. I snapped a couple selfies with her and me. And looking at them I teared up.
God is so good to me, and our family for allowing Ruslana to be ours.
Mama loves ya Rus!
.:oh my goodness, I'll eat her up, I love her so:.